Current Transformers PRODUCTS


Current transformers are the transformers that transfer the primary circuit current to the secondary circuit elements. Thus, the counter, relay, measurement devices and similar elements are protected from high voltage. This protection is achieved by decreasing the current value to a level which the circuit elements can measure. To do that, the current flowing from the circuit is measured.

A current transformer is used on a system due to the high cost of measuring the high current with measurement devices. Also, this method has certain dangers and challenges.

Things to consider when choosing a current transformer

When choosing this circuit element, paying attention to area it will be used in and checking working values are usually enough. Most current transormers are alike on shape and working principle. Technical details that differentiates models from one another are; their resistance to primary and secondary currents, output powers, accuracy classes, busbar dimensions and hole diameters.

There are two main types of transformer types depending on the amount of current they can transform. Mini models also exist according to their shapes.

MV (Medium Voltage) Current Transformer

Medium voltage transformers are models that can operate on medium voltages. Tense products can withstand up to 40A primary current and create 1A secondary current.

Low Voltage Current Transformer

Low voltage transformers on the other hand, are used on areas where there is low voltage levels. Tense models can decrease down to as low as 4000A and can create up to 5A secondary current.

Mini Current Transformer

Mini current transformer takes it’s name from it’s size. It is classified as same as low voltage models. It enables saving space on electric panels where there can be trouble in spacing. There are no differences in it’s working principle.